Advancements in Brain Tumor Surgery – How Technology Is Improving Outcomes?

Brain Tumor Surgery Brain Surgery

When someone gets diagnosed with a brain tumor, the surgery must be carried out as soon as possible to minimize further damage. Besides this, timely surgery is also necessary to improve the outcomes. If you delay your surgery, the tumor may spread quickly in the brain and become difficult to remove.

Technology has improved the lifestyle of human beings. Regarding technology advancements, the outcomes of brain tumor surgery have greatly improved. It makes the surgical procedure more effective and safer.

When someone gets diagnosed with a brain tumor, the surgery must be carried out as soon as possible to minimize further damage. Besides this, timely surgery is also necessary to improve the outcomes. If you delay your surgery, the tumor may spread quickly in the brain and become difficult to remove.

Technology has improved the lifestyle of human beings. Regarding technology advancements, the outcomes of brain tumor surgery have greatly improved. It makes the surgical procedure more effective and safer.

Advanced Brain Tumor Surgery

Advanced or latest brain tumor surgery uses the latest surgical techniques and tools to remove a brain tumor. The minimally invasive surgical procedure is done with accuracy and precision. The latest way of performing a brain tumor removal surgery includes the following steps:

  • Preoperative Preparation and Planning

Preoperative planning and preparation is the most crucial step in any surgical procedure because the entire surgery is based on the right planning. The surgeon plans to use the latest imaging techniques like CT scans and MRIs for brain tumor surgery procedures. It helps in helps in locating and mapping the exact tumor site in the brain. Moreover, it also assists in determining the best surgical approach and course of action.

  • Anesthesia for Unconsciousness

After the arrival of the patient in the surgical room, the first step will be to make them unconscious. That’s why; general anesthesia is given to the patient for pain-free surgery.

  • Craniotomy

Craniotomy is when a brain surgeon removes a piece of the scalp and makes an incision to perform the surgery. Hence, it is done to access the brain for treatment. The surgeon removes the small piece of the skull to access the tumor site in the brain.

  • Tumor Removal 

After accessing the tumor site, the doctor will use the latest surgical tools and techniques to remove the tumor. He ensures no damage to the healthy brain tissues. Furthermore, intraoperative monitoring helps him avoid critical brain areas after identification. Only an expert neurosurgeon can perform this critical surgery well.

  • Intraoperative MRI

Intraoperative imaging, like MRI, helps the surgeon during surgery. Through these imaging techniques, the surgeon ensures the complete removal of the tumor and checks the need for further intervention. These imaging techniques also help to access the exact surgical site and provide more precision during the surgery.

  • Closure of Incision

The surgical site is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to avoid the risk of infection. Surgeons prefer absorbable sutures, especially in these kinds of surgeries. After sutures, dressing is applied to protect the incision site.

Recovery After Brain Tumor Surgery

Surgical procedure for brain tumors is indeed a critical and complicated one. That’s why the patient and the surgeon must take the recovery phase seriously. Although the recovery period depends on the type of surgery and the size of the tumor, there are general guidelines that a patient must follow for brain tumor surgery recovery.

  • The patient must stay at the hospital after a few days of surgery as per the doctor’s suggestion to monitor recovery and avoid complications.
  • A most important factor that helps faster recovery is plenty of rest. Patients should rest until complete recovery and avoid physical activities.
  • To encounter pain and for healing, prescribed medicines should be taken on time. Patients must not skip their medicines so that they can recover faster.
  • Follow-up appointments and sessions are necessary to monitor recovery and rehabilitation. Besides this, these sessions are also helpful in checking the signs of recurrence.

Latest Technology Improving Brain Tumor Surgery Outcomes 

Here are a few key benefits of the latest technology in brain tumor surgery.

  • The surgeon can get real-time brain images through the latest intraoperative MRI during the surgery. Hence, accessing accurate tumor locations and the target is more accessible now.
  • With the help of the latest surgical technology, doctors can navigate through sensitive brain areas easily. So the risk of complications reduces.
  • The latest robotic brain tumor surgical techniques enhance the treatment’s safety. Moreover, it reduces the invasiveness of the surgical tools, so the risk of infection also reduces.
  • Advanced surgical tools and techniques offer the fastest recovery and shorter hospital stays because of their less invasiveness.
  • Above all, every patient can get personalized treatment according to their condition with the latest surgical options.
  • Advanced brain tumor surgery also offers improved outcomes with higher rates of complete tumor removal and lower reoccurrence rates.

Dr. Abdul Baker in Sherman and Plano, Texas, is an expert neurosurgeon performing minimally invasive brain tumor surgeries. You can visit him for consultation and a safe surgical procedure.


  1. What are the risks associated with brain tumor surgery?

Depending upon the size and location of the tumor and the patient’s age, the risks and complications of tumor surgery vary. There are some possible risks associated with brain tumor surgery:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Damage to healthy brain tissues
  • Is brain tumor surgery a successful option for removing brain tumors?

The success of brain tumor surgery depends on various factors. For example, the type of surgery, the patient’s age, location, and the tumor size determine the success rate. Above all, it depends on the expertise of the neurosurgeon performing the surgery and the accuracy of surgical tools as well.

  • What to expect in the recovery period after brain tumor surgery?

As every patient has unique tumor history and age, the recovery period also varies. Overall, a patient may face the following things during the recovery period:

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Difficulty in speech
  • Difficulty in motor functions
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